Monday, December 03, 2007

I had no idea what it stood for, but I was intrigued with this MEME that I saw on a great blog. If you click on the title, you'll see her blog. It seemed harmless enough, so I took a few minutes to come up with answers that sorta reflected me at the moment. So here it is:

And, Another Meme
Your answer has to start with the first letter of your name.

1. What is your name? Mara
2. 4 letter word: Mook
3. Vehicle: MGB
4. City: Malibu
5. Boy Name: Maurice (Wheet wheew)
6. Girl Name: Monica
7. Alcoholic drink: Molson Draft
8. Occupation: Mason,
9. Something you wear: Monocle (not me personally….)
10. Celebrity: Mel Gibson
11. Food: Mango
12. Something found in a bathroom: Mascara
13. Reason for Being Late: Mumps
14. Cartoon character: Mighty Mouse
15. Something You Shout: Move it! (My Mom reads this blog!)
16. Animal: Moose
17. Body part: Mouth
18. Word to describe you: Mellow, maundering, morose, manic, (Depends on the time of day and coffee consumption)

I tag Courtney and Keely (And all of you who want to give it a try!)

PS. Fresh from Wikipedia: The term Internet meme (IPA: /ˈɪntərˌnɛt mi:m/) is a neologism used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads in a faddish way from person to person via the Internet.[1] The term is a reference to the concept of memes, but is used loosely to refer to things that are not necessarily memes in a technical sense.

There you are then

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