So. Remember that sore throat I reported yesterday? Cassie harbored it all day long and now, after a dose of cold medicine last night at 12:00 and one at 5:30 this morning, Cassie is propped up on the sofa with a flyer describing holloween costumes and a cup of "throat coat" tea in hand.
My day looks to include throat cultures, a trip to the pharmacy and perhaps the video store or library to get new fodder for sofa-bound 8yr olds.
As it is a teacher's inservice day (read, teacher's take the day to get their s*$! together) I've got both kids home for the day. Keely's already lobbying for an afternoon on the beach with her girlfriend, which I think I'll let happen...to get her away from her crabby younger sister and stressed Mom, as much as having her enjoying the last of this beautiful indian Summer weather. (Is that a non-PC comment? I never know!)
On a non-related note, My Mom stopped in to check on us after feeding her horses, and so I proudly showed her my new blog. Sigh. She's not impressed. She strongly cautioned me that a mutual friend who started a web log to discuss news items was getting e-mails from all sorts of people that live in potential terrorist countries. She implied that I may be inviting simular attention to my Waunaspot by posting this.
Um. Frankly, after reading some random blogs here that are fifty times more interesting, or are politically, graphically or ergonomically incorrect, I think I'm safe.
I'm guessing that unless you know me or my family, you won't stick around for further installments! ^_^ So many blogs, so little time!
Anyway, I'm on eBay checking on auctions for graphing calculators. Exciting stuff, I know, but someone has to follow these things! Keely needs one like they use in school. I guess this is yet another item on a list of things that a parent can get wrong when shopping for school supplies.
The one we received as a gift last year, brand new, was not the brand they use in math class, and so all of the directions she has learned in math can't be applied on the brand she has. The manual that we got with the calculator is gone, and frankly I don't think that Keely is interested in working hard enough to make it work for her.ut that's me. I'll cave and buy the model that they use in school and hope I can get the old one sold on eBay.
More soon.
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