The kids are at school, although Daugher #2 woke up complaining of a sore throat and bad breath. Hate to break it to her that she is a mouth breather at night, and that's probably what's contributing to the whole experience. (Mom-m, TMI!!!)
Tucker the pooch and I went for a walk/jog (wog?) at 7:00 this morning, and dawn was just brightening the horizon. I'm a fair weather jogger, and this morning was perfect. The stellar jays were fighting over their patches of madrona berries and the tide was on its way out. I didn't stop at the waters edge as I would have liked to do as I was walking with a neighbor by that point. (Much to the dog's disgust)
Tucker abandoned me on the second loop and chose to camp out on the front porch on one of the chairs. Who said border collies are athletic!? On further contemplation, he's only half collie. Your guess as to the other half. My money's on some carrot-eating, tree-climbing, shaggy-haired mutt variety. He reminds me of a short "Ralph" from the old coyote and road runner cartoons in the 70's.
Hey! You read any good books lately? Try "The Highest Tide" by Jim Lynch. I picked it up at the library in paperback last week and have been loving it! A quick synopsis:
A 13 year old, short for his age, not too hip kid lives on the end of Puget Sound by Olympia. He loves the beach. Worships his time there in the summer. Absorbs journals and technical writings on the ocean and it in habitants. And he discovers a giant squid washed up a low tide in the middle of the night and calls a professor-friend to report it. And then his world changes and in many ways, so does he.
Do you know how an good oyster tastes? That's how the beach smells at low tide. This author, his character and I know that. If you read the book, you'll get a feel of what it was like to grow up racing the high tide to get home in time for dinner (And hoping not be in too much trouble for your wet, dirty clothes!)
Gardening to do, so I'd better sign off for now.
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