Remember when I took Cassie in to the doctor last Friday for a strep culture? Well, it came in a strong positive. We stopped at a pharmacy and got a prescription of amoxicillan (that I paid 4x the cost as I took it to a place where our insurance was not on file.) But what great stuff! Two days later, she's fever free and feeling tremendously better. It's a challenge to remember to give her the whole 10 days worth of medicine.
Naturally, Cassie is feeling great now, and I have a stuffy-headed, clogged nosed cold! I think it's because I haven't kept my caffeine and chocolate level up in my system. The stress of withdrawals has opened me up for immune problems. (Think this is a good reason to go to the mall for Starbucks and See's chocolate?!)
I spent a while this afternoon surfing the net looking for an old quote about the debauchery of the younger population written in the ancient Greek (or Roman) time that I remember from college psychology. Instead I found a treasure trove of quotes from Theodore Roosevelt. He was an amazing person with great insight. I like this one. Try it on for size:
"There are good men and bad men of all nationalities, creeds and colors; and if this world of ours is ever to become what we hope some day it may become, it must be by the general recognition that the man's heart and soul, the man's worth and actions, determine his standing." Letter, Oyster Bay, NY, September 1, 1903
I think I'll have a quote banner on my blog so that some thoughty thing pops up every day. It'll take a while though, as I'm not a computer guru...
1 comment:
Hi Tami,
Okay, I just got done sending you a regular email, but I have to tell you how much I love your blog. Great pictures! Tell Cassie I read my first Geronimo Stilton book recently. I think it was called, "It's Halloween, Fraidy Mouse," or something to that effect. I know from my teacher world that the skills of reading and writing go hand in hand, and I know you were a voracious reader, but I had no idea what a good writer you are. If I was grading you blog as a school assignment using the six traits, I would say you've got good "voice" a trait that's always hard to explain to kids, but when you see it, you know it. I had tried looking at your blog once before, when you first sent me the address, but wasn't able to access it this time, so of course I was reading everything in reverse order, but Oh Well. How did you do those cool effects to your photos? Did you do them before uploading or in Blogger? It's so fun to see such beautiful pictures of home. Keep posting.
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