Thursday, October 05, 2006

Testing, testing. One, two, three. Am I on?

Hello. Thanks for joining us. Hubby, Daughter #1, Daughter #2 and I (plus various and sundry feathered and furry things) welcome you to our Wauna Spot. Located in the currently sunny and mild Puget Sound, it's 9:00pm and the dog is wondering what the heck we are all doing inside.

In early October, the moon is full and there is a light breeze that's pulling the salt air up from the beach. Great crashes and rustling in the brush speak of anxious critters trying to fatten up and find a comfy place to hide up for the winter. The orchard, the hen's coop, the rabbit hutch, the barn and of course, D1's room!

We were all wakened last night at 1:30 am as she swore that there was a rat in her room, eating her sketchbook! It was a rodent, but it was a field mouse. It ended it's short life by jumping in the toilet and getting flushed. No really. So we're hoping for a more quiet night tonight.

Signing of and posting so I can get some photos posted too. Good night!

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