Hello again. In Waunaville, it is currently 48 degrees F, humidity at 93% , visibility to 5 miles and raining steadily. The seasonal duck pond in the pasture is still empty. The forecast is for rain for a couple of days. We'll see! We all know the Pacific NW insidious rains are a-commin!
I'm supposed to be out jogging with a neighbor, but running in the rain AND the dark seems way too virtuous! Tucker and I opened the door to look out, he went off to do his business, then pushed past me and went back inside and curled up on his cedar bed in the office. I took that as a sign.
On my walk Monday, it was overcast and cool. Tucker and I trotted down the community road towards the beach, but rather than take the civilized path to the water, we ducked off of the road onto the trail towards the cedars.
If you are not familiar with the cedar family, then you may not be aware of the particular charm a cedar grove can have. The trees are basically poisonous to surrounding plant life both because of the dense shade it casts and the high pH content of the rotting folliage it drops through the year. So unlike under fir and maple trees where you have to fight the brush to follow a trail,(much like moving through my garage), the cedar groves are like walking through nature's livingroom.
Our trail drops off of the paved road and right into the first cedar grove. It feels like stepping under an open umbrella. Light is muffled, the temp drops a couple of degrees and you can hear the noise of the community; cars, lawnmowers, barking dogs, but with muffled detatchment.
Okay. Now I want to go back outside. And, instead, it's time to step into the lunch-making room and get into the morning routine.
Well, I'll sign off for now. If you get a chance, drop me a line in the new "cbox" thingy on the side bar. It's kinda like signing a guest book, I guess. Later! (If you can't see what I'm talking about...have patience. I'm good at rambling on, but not as good at solving these techy things!)
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